Digital, Turismo

Piattaforma web

• Novembre 2022

Progetto Adrijo

Autore: Autori vari

Editore: Progetto REMEMBER - ADRJO, Network Culturale dei Porti Adriatici

Lingue di traduzione: da italiano a inglese

Traduttori: Cristina Popple per Il Nuovo Traduttore Letterario

REMEMBER – REstoring the MEmory of Adriatic ports sites. Maritime culture to foster Balanced tERritorial growth è un programma di cooperazione transfrontaliera Italia-Croazia per la valorizzazione dei porti adriatici. Ha tra l’altro previsto la creazione della piattaforma Adrijo, portale digitale e interattivo che si pone l’obiettivo di promuovere il turismo sostenibile e valorizzazione l’importante patrimonio culturale e marittimo, monumentale e di conoscenze tangibili e intangibili, degli 8 porti italiani e croati

Nell’ambito di questo progetto abbiamo curato le pagine relative al porto di Ancona: con materiali vari che vanno da testi di carattere economico-amministrativo, a pagine sulla storia e l’arte, la cultura popolare legata alla città e al mare. Interviste a pescatori, passeggiate per le vie del centro, dati e numeri sul porto commerciale e turistico: un caleidoscopio di testi gestiti dalla nostra bravissima e versatile Cristina!

Estratto dalla traduzione in inglese

Welcome to Ancona, Gateway to the East

The city and its ancient, cosmopolitan port have always been a bridge as well as a pivot between the East and the West, a crossroads of cultures and religions, a port on the Adriatic-Ionian macro-region of the Mediterranean Sea capable of establishing important international relations, a celebrated productive hub that over time has come to be identified with its dockyard, its roots deep in a centuries-old vocation. The penchant for hospitality of the city overlooking the port is immediately obvious in the most iconic of its monuments: standing tall on the wharf facing the sea, the Arch of Trajan, built to honour the Emperor Trajan, has been admired and revered by every sailor who has crossed this sea. Spreading outwards, the old port unfolds, its Roman, Medieval, and Renaissance monuments rising from it; and the churches of the port – the Cathedral consecrated to St. Cyriacus, the Chiesa del Gesù designed by Vanvitelli, St. Frances’ Church, and all the others nestled among the slanting alleyways overlooking the wharves and the sea. Just below the Cathedral is the ship yard, caught between cliff and sea, with its iconic red and white gantry crane: a centre of production for extraordinary cruise ships, which have won many an award for sustainability, innovation, and beauty. The backdrop to the entrance to the harbour is a row of buildings of civic, economic, and cultural power: their façades unfurl, marking periods, styles, uses, and the history of their architecture and of those who ordered their construction – Palazzo degli Anziani, Palazzo Ferretti (now the National Archaeological Museum, with the wonderful gilded bronze statues on its roof), the Loggia dei Mercanti (the Merchants’ Lodge), and then the Banca d’Italia, the Nineteenth century buildings home to shipping companies, navigation services, and businesses devoted to hospitality.