Digital, Turismo


piattaforma web

• Luglio 2021


Autore: Autori vari (con il coordinamento di CNR ISPC e la Scuola Archeologica Italiana di Atene)

Editore: Ales, società in-house del Ministero della Cultura

Lingue di traduzione: da italiano a inglese

Traduttori: Elizabeth Burke, Jeremy Carden, Michael Carlos

E-Archeo è un progetto promosso da Ales, società del Ministero della cultura, in collaborazione con il CNR e diverse Università italiane. Raccoglie il patrimonio di conoscenze scientifiche relativo a otto siti archeologici italiani, lo implementa e lo divulga sia in loco che attraverso il sito, piattaforma multimediale interattiva che offre vari percorsi di comunicazione digitale, tra cui podcast e ricostruzioni virtuali.

Per questo progetto ci siamo occupati sia della revisione e traduzione dei testi scientifici che della traduzione dei podcast e dei video introduttivi per accompagnare la visita virtuale con lo story-telling.

Estratto dalla traduzione dei testi archeologici

The archeological site of Velia

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The building has not yet been subject to a publication tracing its history, apart from an initial overview in 1989 (D.01). There is a basic lack of any archive documentation regarding the digs and finds made in the first half of the 20th century, when it was entirely uncovered. Nor is there any data regarding the restoration – conducted after the removals (also carried out in the first half of the 20th century) – of the majority of the structures attributed to the late Imperial period. The reconstructive hypotheses have therefore been limited, in many respects, to the main characteristics of the building. The proposal specifically relates to the phase of the complex datable to between the end of the 1st century B.C. and the first few decades of the 1st century A.D. The elevation of the side avantcorps is around 5.50 m at the gutter level. For the reconstructive proposal for the frontage of the tabernae, the apertures, subsequently modified (D.01), were repositioned by evaluating the position of the threshold of the second room from the north-west corner, considered more reliable than the others. The type of threshold, moreover, suggested a system of wooden fixtures typical of commercial buildings, according to patterns well known from Vesuvian contexts (D.02). Compared to the latter, however, the fairly limited size of the entrances in Velia should be emphasized. In the upper part, above the entrance doors, the presence of a quadrangular aperture has been hypothesized, in line with an arrangement that was fairly commonplace in commercial premises, given that in the other walls, especially those corresponding to the inner part of the complex, it would have been difficult to create more windows or slits.

Estratto dalla traduzione dei podcast

The archeological site of Sirmione

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Episode 1 – Sirmione: a villa that gives a voice to history

Ahhh, if these walls could talk…
How many times have you said or heard these words, just considering them to be an idiomatic and clearly hypothetical expression?
Well, today the impossible will become reality, because what you’re hearing is the soul of a building. It is a vibration deep within the stone, marble, wood and fabric, reaching your ears in the form of a voice.

And it is with this voice that I’m introducing myself to you.
A majestic villa on the end of the Sirmione peninsula, I overlook the whole basin of Lake Garda as an immobile spectator of history.

No one better than me can recount what happened here, within these walls and around this lake, over the last two thousand years or so.

From high up on this rocky spur, ever since the first century A.D., I’ve watched boats, military forces and hordes of barbarians passing through. I’ve hosted eminent figures and poets and laid on lavish banquets.
But more than anything else, during my long lifetime I was a favourite place for so-called otium

In fact, I was built to offer my owners a life of peace and contemplation, surrounded by beautiful lake and mountain landscapes and by the silence of nature.
Yet though I certainly lived through centuries of peace, splendour and wealth, I also experienced destruction, collapse and abandonment, caused by the passage of time, adverse natural events and the even more inauspicious wars of you humans.

Visit Piemonte

Abbiamo collaborato alla traduzione in francese e cinese dei contenuti di Visit Piemonte, sito ufficiale della destinazione turistica pregionale. Centinaia

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