A.R. Penck
This is the catalogue of a most interesting exhibition entirely dedicated to an important but little-known German artist of the 20th century. Born during the Second World War, raised in the Dresden of real socialism and trained as a painter under the dictates of state art, A.R. Penck pursued a formal research that moves towards […]
I leoni non mangiano crocchette
Is there any better weapon than humour for communicating with children? Humour makes the unacceptable acceptable, helps them to face the worst case scenario with a degree of calm! These are the words of André Bouchard, the author of I leoni non mangiano crocchette (Lions don’t eat croquettes), a sophisticated and amusing illustrated book recently […]
Valadier. Splendor in Eighteenth-Century Rome
This is the catalogue of the major exhibition held in the prestigious setting of Villa Borghese and dedicated to Luigi Valadier, the most celebrated Italian cabinet-maker, foundryman and goldsmith of his time and one of the leading figures in the cultural climate that flourished in Rome in the mid-18th century. The volume includes a series […]
Lee Mingwei, Gifts & Rituals / Lee Mingwei Geschenke und Rituale
We collaborated on the English and German translation of the catalogue of 禮 Li, Gifts and Rituals, a major retrospective by the Taiwanese-American artist Lee Mingwei. Focusing on the concept of the gift, which is central to the artist’s entire body of work, this renowned exhibition gave us the opportunity to collaborate for the first […]
Du Magazine. Hundert Jahre Hermann Hesse
Du Magazine is a prestigious German-language cultural magazine. Since 1941, it has been publishing monthly monographs on topics related to literature, art, society and customs. We collaborated on the translation of the monographic issue dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the publication of Hermann Hesse’s Siddhartha.
Il valore della cultura
This collection of essays focuses on the vast and multi-faceted galaxy of the cultural enterprise, with examples and best practices for its development, and an emphasis on advocacy strategies applied in times of Covid. In this text, the specialised language of business management is faithfully and accurately conveyed, but without making it heavy reading for […]
Das Neue Museo dell’Opera del Duomo / El nuevo Museo dell’Opera del Duomo / Le nouveau Museo dell’Opera del Duomo / Новый Музей Опера дель Дуомо
This is the complete guide to the Museo dell’Opera del Duomo in Florence after the new displays inaugurated in 2015. It contains in-depth descriptions of the new rooms and the new staging of works such as Donatello’s Penitent Magdalene and Michelangelo’s Pieta; the gallery of Giotto’s Campanile; the gallery of Brunelleschi’s Dome, with paintings, drawings […]
E-Archeo is a project sponsored by Ales, a subsidiary of the Ministry of Culture, in cooperation with the CNR and several Italian universities. It collects the scientific knowledge from eight Italian archaeological sites, then implements and disseminates it both on their premises and through the website https://e-archeo.it, an interactive multimedia platform offering various digital communication […]
Zimbardo. Mi vida al descubierto / Zimbardo. Die Geschichte meines Lebens / Zimbardo. Ma vie révélée
This biography of the legendary American psychologist Philip Zimbardo covers his childhood in the Bronx in a family of Italian origin, his university education, his research career, his seminal contributions to the field of psychology, but also his involvement in various forms of political activism. Narrated in the form of an interview, in a conversational […]
The Venice International Film Festival 1931-2022
This fascinating journey through the history of the Venice Film Festival, featuring directors, films, filmmakers and actors, focuses on the relationship between cinema, culture and society. This complex volume is a wealth of information, references and perspectives on our day and age, a scintillating overview by one of Italy’s most distinguished film historians and critics. […]