Capolavori della fotografia moderna 1900-1940

This is the catalogue of the exhibition organised by the Museo della Svizzera Italiana [Museum of Italian Switzerland] in Lugano in 2021, then hosted in Turin at Camera – Centro Italiano per la fotografia [Italian Centre for Photography] from March to June 2022. This exhibition was dedicated to the extraordinary creative fervour in photography between […]

Sulla scacchiera. Arte e scienza degli scacchi / O Xadrez e o Cérebro – Arte e Ciência / Chess and Brain. Art and science

A foray into a very ancient game, full of historical, artistic and literary appeal, seen from the interesting perspective of neuroscience. It is illustrated by a selection of the world’s most valuable chessboards, beautifully photographed by Massimo Listri: artistic artefacts from various eras and countries that portray the game aesthetically and figuratively, suggesting the relationship […]

Andrea Bassi, Roberto Carella. Materialität / Materialité / Materiality. Bibliotheca n. 5/2020

This monograph is dedicated to the architectural research of the two Geneva architects in their Bassicarella studio, focusing on certain key concepts in their work: materiality, presence, construction, prefabrication, and interior style. In a series of volumes in the Bibliotheca series, the architects reflect on these themes through extracts of images, short texts and technical […]

Case Moderne. Scoperte architettoniche all’Isola d’Elba

This photography book showcases the Island of Elba not only from the point of view of its scenic beauty, but also explores the hidden architectural gems perfectly integrated in the green scrubland. Buildings conceived to become one with the environment, blending perfectly with the light and the sea views. Description of the buildings and beautiful […]

Progetto Adrijo

REMEMBER – REstoring the MEmory of Adriatic ports sites. Maritime culture to foster Balanced tERritorial growth is an Italy-Croatia cross-border cooperation programme for the enhancement of Adriatic ports. Among other things, it envisaged the creation of the Adrijo platform, a digital and interactive portal aimed at promoting sustainable tourism and enhancing the important cultural and […]

Tourism Australia

The Australian government’s official website for the promotion of tourism, Tourism Australia is a platform brimming with information, sightseeing proposals, itineraries, special focuses and, above all, plenty of nature. And with beautiful photos that make you want to head for Australia immediately! We have translated part of the site into Italian and the collaboration is […]

Visit Tuscany

The official tourist information website of the Region of Tuscany, Visit Tuscany, is a platform loaded with information, tips, insights and fun facts, collected under different criteria such as localities, tourist areas, travel suggestions, gastronomic specialities, etc. For this client, we provided a massive translation of over 2000 pages of text in the record time […]

Leonardo. Das letzte Abendmahl / Leonardo. La Cène / Leonardo. La última cena

We had the pleasure of handling the translation into three languages of this compact but dense monograph dedicated to Leonardo’s Last Supper. Written by distinguished authors, including Carlo Pedretti, one of the most famous scholars of Leonardo, it entailed an analysis of the work, its context and its history of corruption and restoration.


The Art & Dossier series, with its hundreds of monographs on a wide variety of topics, are world famous. Giunti Editore has expanded this formula to introduce younger readers to art. The formula includes a biography, a presentation of the main works, workshop proposals and a glossary. The great challenge for the translator is to […]